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"Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It has been two weeks since my last confession." The voice through the small grating softly answered, "Go on." Sitting in the dark of the small confession booth, the priest took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Father, I have been accused of pedophilia. Of - of taking photographs of innocent my own chapel..." His voice cracked. The words just couldn't come out the way he had rehearsed them the entire night before. This was his chapel. He had been a priest here for five years now. Every day he walked the aisles of the building, arms tucked behind his straight back, happy eyes scanning the heads of those who had come for prayer. It was the very booth he was currently sitting in that he typically took the confessions of. And now, he sat within it, confessing to another. The priest in the adjacent booth shifted in his seat. No doubt he now knew who confessed to him. It was all over the new

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